Bakiyev's regime rocking in Kyrgyzstan

Reportedly, no fewer than seventeen demonstrators have been killed in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, where government troops have opened fire on an opposition protest.  A state of emergency has been declared by President Bakiyev, with riots engulfing the Central Asian country’s capital.

Protestors are intent upon overthrowing Bakiyev’s regime, which they claim is authoritarian and corrupt.  The Moscow Times reports that rioters attempted to seize the main government building, while Ria Novosti suggests that other critical sites are in opposition hands, including the state television channel’s headquarters.

These clashes are ongoing, so a clearer picture will no doubt emerge later.  However, like Georgia, Kyrgyzstan’s president was swept to power by one of the so-called ‘colour revolutions’.  Like Saakashvili, Bakiyev has failed to live up to promises of democracy.


Jon Semple said…
How long until Northern Ireland's very own Bakiyev (Peter "Put them all on the payroll" Robinson) is similarly discharged?

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