Note to commenters

In order to keep the commenting process as simple as possible, and in order to avoid requiring commenters to sign up with some type of I.D., anonymous commenting is enabled on this blog. THAT IS NOT TO SAY THAT ANONYMOUS COMMENTS ARE ENCOURAGED. Anonymous comments are not moderated with any great care and will appear or not appear at my whim. Particularly because, often, they come from exactly the same IP addresses used by a registered user, or an unregistered user who otherwise comments using a handle.

The courteous thing, and what I want to encourage, is to use a handle, or a name, and stick to it. You don't have to have a Google or a Yahoo account. Simply use the box provided when you're commenting, or add a signature at the bottom of your post. Of course this system is also open to abuse, but at least it encourages people to make their comments vaguely attributable.

The surest way to guarantee your view is put across on Three Thousand Versts is to use a registered account, the second surest is to consistently use a non-registered handle. Those who choose to stay completely anonymous have no right of reply and their contributions may be deleted.

This will particularly be the case in the run up to the general election, because already, all manner of party activists abuse anonymity.


Anonymous said…
totally agree ;)
Owen Polley said…
Ho and indeed Ho.
Timothy Belmont said…
I've had a fault with my comment settings for over a week, whereby the moderation doesn't work! It tells me there are 4 to moderate; then when I click on that it says there are no unmoderated comments!

I've let Blogger know but have had to lift moderation till then.
I like the idea Chekov.

Very reasonable terms of engagement.
Moderate Unionist said…
Keith Ruffles said…
I have the same settings on my blog - i.e. anonymous comments are enabled - but irritatingly this means a majority of comments are poorly written spam, frequently (for some reason) in Japanese...

Be interesting to know whether you and others who have a less restrictive comments policy also suffer from this same problem.
Owen Polley said…
Keith - every day at around 11am I get spam in Japanese. Or there's the 'cool post' ones which connect to some godawful product.
O'Neill said…
The confusing thing is when you get two or three different "Anonymous"s in the conversation with 2 or 3 different opinions.

Regarding the party apparachniks, I con't see why people can't just address themselves as "DUP", "SNP", "BNP", or whatever, as it is usually pretty obvious what party their opinion originates from.

No reflection on the popularity of this blog (I think exactly the same of the comments-zone on Slugger) but I do wonder what kind of effect the apparachniks think their little bon-mots have on the overall result?
Owen Polley said…
O'Neill - in my experience casual readers (i.e. the majority) rarely look beyond the main post content. A small community of people follow the comments below.

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