Remembrance and perceiving hostile intent where none exists.

Yesterday, whilst recording an episode of Blogtalk NI, I was asked to consider the issue of remembrance and in particular controversy which often becomes attached to the simple act of remembering, in Northern Ireland. In retrospect, I am dissatisfied with the answer I gave and pre-emptively, I would like to add a few thoughts here.
Slugger O’Toole provides a useful snapshot of febrile debate which can attend simple, reverential acts, such as wearing a poppy, or laying a wreath. If you have the time, and the patience, there are pages and pages of it. In addition there are also serious, contemplative, generous posts, which do the subject justice. Conall McDevitt argues that the Republic of Ireland should have its own monument at the Western Front, in order to remember properly war dead from the south.
Perhaps the nastiest piece of commentary surrounding remembrance, this year, comes from the Andersonstown News and its ‘satirical’ columnist ‘Squinter’. It describes the period preceding Poppy Day as “the traditional three-week orgy of Up Yours Fenian Face”.
This ‘analysis’ might masquerade as humour and it certainly represent the most hostile interpretation of remembering offered in any newspaper, but it is a particularly acute example of a more general sickness which afflicts this province.
There are a disproportionate number of people in Northern Ireland inclined to perceive hostile intent in any tradition, political opinion or culture to which they do not subscribe. It’s all about them. Making them uncomfortable, rubbing their noses in it.
This preternatural sensitivity is not the sole preserve of either side of the constitutional question. Whilst quiet, dignified acts of remembrance can be construed as petulant displays of anti-nationalism by one commentator, an interest in a minority language or enthusiasm for a particular sport can be perceived as inherently anti-unionist by another.
Neither is the phenomenon confined to niche publications like the Andersonstown News. Brian Feeney’s output consists of little else. The use of ‘Fenian’ as a pejorative is regularly ascribed to any unionist who happens to dissent from an opinion held by the journalist. The Maze stadium is a much more trivial issue than remembrance, but all sorts of nefarious motives were implied of football supporters who happened to favour an arena in Belfast.
There have been efforts, of course, to hijack particular traditions and events, in order to use them as political weapons. Republicans have misused the Irish language and that has hardened some unionists’ prejudices against it. Similarly, it has been reported that loyalist paramilitary groups have attempted to attach themselves to legitimate Remembrance events, to the horror of genuine ex servicemen.
We should be politically sophisticated enough, however, to separate such instances from the norm.
In the vast majority of cases, almost uniformly in fact, acts of remembrance are solemn, dignified and sincerely felt. They are undertaken in a spirit of respect for sacrifice and sorrow at loss, rather than with an underlying sentiment of ‘up yours Fenian face’. Surely any reasonable person will instinctively understand the difference?
Political sophistication can work on many different levels and with many different motivations. Take Donnelly on Slugger. He would use his political sophistication to craft the small number of exceptions into the norm. Why is included in the answer to:
"Surely any reasonable person will instinctively understand the difference?"
You're making the assumption that the likes of Livingstone, Donnelly and Feeney are out to "reasonably" iron out the problems and difficulties some people may have with aspects of Remembrance. They're not.
For a variety of reasons (Livingstone because of a fetid anti-Brit/Hun bigotry, Donnelly for narrow tribal and sectarian political benefit, Feeney for a mixture of the two and an added dose of sub Daily-Mail populism) need the sectarian pot to be constantly on the boil. Their big bogeymen, the Orangies, have put away the sashes for the year, so they're left with the next visible sign (as they would define it) of Britishness in NI- our annual act of remembering the Fallen of our nation.
As we still live in a chronically divided society, all three gain benefit from employing the basest sectarian and anti-British bile possible when making their "arguments" about the poppy and Remembrance Day. And unfortunately there are still too many readers of Atown News, Irish News and Slugger, who not only lap it up, but plunge even further into the sewers by continuing these three's work in the comments zones and in the wider society- eg the verbal abuse suffered by OAPs in certain towns in NI for the crime of selling poppies.
It's an interesting question - that of the poppy. I'm not into wearing symbols myself - shamrocks, lillies, poppies or whatever - but that's just me.
Thing is, thousands of "southern" Irishmen died in the world wars (I'd a relation killed in the First). I think the futile loss of so many lives in the quagmires of France and Belgium should be remembered by us all, along with those who gave their lives to defend us from fascism in the Second World War.
So if people felt a need to pay their respects by wearing a poppy, I would have no problem with that.
Thing is, if you buy a poppy, does your money go to support wars you might disagree with - such as Iraq?
The money is raised by the British Legion rather than the government or the British Army. It is a charity which helps servicemen and their families who have been injured or bereaved. Not one penny is spent sustaining any of the wars. On the contrary, it is spent helping people who have suffered because they have been sent into needless conflicts.
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