Unionist parties lack the resolve to topple Salmond.

This afternoon a recalled Scottish parliament is due to discuss the decision of its justice secretary to release convicted Lockerbie bomber, Abdul Baset Ali al-Megrahi. It promises to be an uncomfortable session for the SNP administration, but newspaper suggestions that Alex Salmond’s minority regime could be toppled are guilty of overstatement. Although unionist parties in Scotland remain happy to make political capital from nationalist misgovernment, there is little genuine appetite to bring down the executive.

The Conservatives have been most consistent in their opposition to Megrahi’s release. However justice spokesman, Bill Aitken MSP, has indicated that a vote of no confidence in Kenny MacAskill, whilst possible, would be ‘premature’. The Tories have something of a contradictory relationship with nationalists in Scotland, despite taking a strong line on the Union.

On this issue, Labour’s response is even more problematic. The party’s Scottish leader, Iain Gray, has spoken out against releasing the bomber on compassionate grounds, and other senior Labour figures have voiced their concern. However Gordon Brown has remained stubbornly silent, despite the affair’s international repercussions. The SNP, for its part, has pointed out that Gray’s opposition appeared to develop, only after a decision was reached.

It seems highly improbable that Kenny MacAskill will face a no confidence vote in the foreseeable future, unless he makes an enormous mess of this afternoon’s proceedings. Alex Salmond’s position, lamentably, is safe for the time being.

The unionist parties do have an opportunity, however, to undermine confidence in the minority nationalist executive. It is regrettable that they remain more focussed on their own differences, rather than the separatist threat, and will not therefore round collectively on an administration which is doing Scotland, and the United Kingdom, substantial damage.


Anonymous said…
I find it amazing that you seem comfortable grouping Labour and Tories as unionists first and foremost. Haven't you heard that there is a general election coming.

Your unionist preoccupation is miniscule compared to the public services for the people of this country.

Change the record.
Owen Polley said…
If there is no Union there is no country.
Owen Polley said…
Btw I've got no difficulties with Conservatives robustly opposing Labour, in Scotland as elsewhere. It's the ambivalent attitude to the SNP which I object to.
Anonymous said…
Those who belong to the orthodox faiths claim that the say-so of their obedience rests on uncovering, and that expos‚ is confirmed in the pages of books and accounts of miracles and wonders whose disposition is supernatural. But those of us who have protracted discarded the credence in the mysterious still are in the attendance of revelations which are the base of faith. We too arrange our revealed religion. We procure looked upon the face of men and women that can be to us the symbols of that which is holy. We have heard words of sacred reason and reality viva voce in the vulnerable voice. Out of the domain there experience be involved a arise to us these occurrence which, when accepted, allow to us revelations, not of abnormal belief, but of a real and fated certitude in the clerical powers that motivate and labour in the center of [a yourselves's] being.

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