Not everyone's read their Popper

Over the past week I’ve permitted myself the liberty of falling out ‘of the loop’. You’ll forgive me a slow start and, no doubt, some posts on well trodden territory, as I reacclimatise.

Commenter Gary kindly brought to my attention this report, from the Irish Times, which details a meeting of the “Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Britain and Ireland”.

I’m presuming that this body is some manner of NGO / academic exercise, because I must confess that I’ve not heard of it before. Certainly the synopses of submissions from the IT report are far from impressive.

Vijay Mehta, from the ’International Institute of Peace Studies and Global Philosophy’ believes nationalists are fostering an increasing sense of dissatisfaction with the ’status quo’. Apparently “to the nationalist punter in the street, Irish unity has not come closer since the Good Friday agreement was signed in 1998”. The implication is that dissident violence is the inevitable result.

We can extrapolate from this impoverished vision that Mr Mehta believes a united Ireland is inevitable and necessary and any pause in progress towards that end is destabilising.

He should read O’Neill’s Karl Popper post.


Timothy Belmont said…
Welcome back, Chekov.

This isn't of any relevance at all, but most commentators nowadays don't know the difference between the British Isles, the UK, Great Britain and England!

They talk, doublessly in politically correct language lest they offend Irish nationalists, of "Britain and Ireland"; presumably because Irish nationalists do not recognize the totality of the term "British Isles".

I take a contrary view. I use the term "British Isles" as often as possible; and at school I was taught that the British Isles included the islands of Great Britain, the Isle of Man, the Channel Islands, the Scottish off-shore isles and Ireland.

Nothing better to get the ball rolling... :-)
Owen Polley said…
I agree with you entirely Tim.

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