Shadow Europe Minister campaigns with Nicholson

Shadow Minister for Europe, Mark Francois MP, joined Jim Nicholson MEP to campaign in the South Antrim, Upper Bann and Lagan Valley constituencies. It's worth printing in full Francois' observations.

"Jim Nicholson will be part of a strong group of Conservative MEPs in the next European Parliament, standing up for the interests of the United Kingdom. No lone voice, he will be part of a strong team committed to delivering for Northern Ireland and the entire UK.

"If the Conservatives are successful in winning the next general election, Jim Nicholson and his colleagues in the Conservative grouping in the European Parliament will be able to work with that new government to reform Europe, to halt the federalist agenda, to keep Sterling and to ensure that British businesses and workers are not dictated to by the Working Time Directive. Others may talk about doing this - only Jim Nicholson and his fellow Conservative MEPs with a Conservative Government in Westminster can actually deliver this for the United Kingdom.

"As I campaigned with Jim in Northern Ireland this week, I heard many of the same issues raised that I hear in my own constituency in Essex. Concern about red-tape from Brussels strangling businesses; anger at how Gordon Brown's government has trashed our economy and burdened us with unbelievable debt; and hope for change. People want to see change in Brussels - with power moving from unelected bureaucrats to democratically-elected representatives in national parliaments. People want to see change in Westminster - they want an end to this Labour government and its incompetence. And people want to see change in Northern Ireland - they want mainstream British politics in this part of the UK.

"Voting Jim Nicholson, Conservatives and Unionists, no. 1 on 4th June will begin to bring about that change".


Carson's Cat said…
Not exactly much of a blog post that is it??

Just cutting and pasting UUP press-statements. Wonderful insight and comment there....
Owen Polley said…
Oh yes. Dear me i'm poor in comparison to all those quality Dupe bloggers. I write many 1000s of words every week with more original comment than most so the odd reproduction for people's interest will be eliciting no apologies. Away and read a good blogger like Andrew Charles why don't you?
Anonymous said…
I didn't mention any DUP blogger and you do seem a little defensive.

Frankly if Andrew Charles writes obsessively pro-DUP articles then he can't really claim to be serious either.

If your defence is that "I'm just as bad as he is" it doesn't say much for you....

Any 'blogger' who just cuts and pastes press statements isn't much cop in my view....
Owen Polley said…
Any 'blogger' who just cuts and pastes press statements isn't much cop in my view....As I have previously intimated - I write 1000s of words of commentary and analysis on a weekly basis. Very rarely do I simply reproduce material without some editorial content accompanying it.

But, in case you didn't notice, there's an election on and some people are interested in the latest news from it, which I will occasionally provide - without apology.

Feel free to skip the article and find something more 'serious'.

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