A new post, from yours truly, over at Open Unionism.
The Conservatives and Unionists joint committee, charged with producing a final list of hopefuls, will decide between candidates chosen by a twin track process. Their deliberations, it might be argued, should also fall into two categories.
First, they must identify particular circumstances in every constituency, and deduce how each personality might be expected to perform, given local peculiarities. Second, and I believe that this is particularly crucial for a new force in politics, they should consider the eighteen candidates as a ‘body corporate’. That means developing a harmonious team with a coherent message, and avoiding inconsistencies in delivery across the constituencies. It also means selecting a group which embodies the project and its ethos.
If both parties keep these considerations in mind, from the beginning of the selection process, then the committee will have an easier task, as it submits its decision to the leaders.
It will of course depend on the candidates and how many MLA's run, but to make any meaning of the pact they will have to have a mix of women/men, old/young protestant/catholic. To run 18 middle aged/old (60+) orangemen will be a waste of time.
So will they split 4/3 across the parties I wonder what winnable seats would the Conservatives look for? Maybe North Down if Sylvia retires as she probably will, Lagan Valley then a toss up between Upper Bann and East Belfast. That would leave the UUP with South Antrim, South Belfast or East Belfast and Strangford. Of the next tier UUP seats FST and North Antrim. Leaving the Conservatives with East Londonderry, North Belfast and East Antrim.
What likely mixes can other forecasters come up with or do they think the Conservatives will settle for less than us.