Travel the Trans Siberian. On Google.

A locomotive trundles out of Yaroslavsky Station, Moscow. This is the Trans Siberian and it’s bound for Vladivostok, more than 9,000 kilometres distant.

It is a journey which will take more than 150 hours to complete. And now you can take the trip without a Russia Visa, without negotiating Komsomolskaya Square, its dubious cast of characters or its pervading smell of urea and without the risk of sharing your carriage with a pair of alcoholic migrant workers.

Google have introduced the ‘virtual’ Trans Siberian, courtesy of Google maps and an awful lot of Youtube footage. Listen to Gogol’s Dead Souls, stare out the window and enjoy. But whatever happens, you’re not going to be able to get off at any of the stations and you‘ll have to visit your own kettle, rather than the communal samovar, for a cup of tea.

My advice is definitely to jump to the interesting bits.


K D Tennent said…
Wow! Have to try that out.
Hernandez said…
I think i'll take a week off work and get the cans in for this! Tremendous stuff.
Owen Polley said…
You'll want to watch the wee travelogues. They're presented by a perky wee dyevushka and they'll really get your travel juices flowing.

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