Arresting Chaos

This is appropriately named Inaki de Juana Chaos, a convicted Eta terrorist who has come to be resident in Ireland (how might that have happened I wonder?). De Juana murdered 25 people by means of a bomb in 1987. He was subsequently released from prison in 2004, having served only 17 years, benefiting from Spain’s notoriously Byzantine sentencing guidelines.

On his release De Juana immediately resumed ostentatious support for Basque separatist terrorism, having previously penned threatening letters from his prison cell. Spanish authorities are seeking his extradition from Northern Ireland and he will attend proceedings in Belfast’s Laganside Court on Monday morning, in an attempt to avoid an arrest warrant being issued here.

Hopefully a warrant for De Juana’s arrest is issued in Belfast and I wish the Spanish authorities every success in putting him behind bars for a very long time.


Dinamo said…
Steady on now Chekov! This fellow may have been bird-watching or studying the irish peace process.

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