
Showing posts from November, 2019

PoliticalOD Podcast 5: Media, asking questions and the election calm before....

The Dissenter and I get together to discuss media coverage of Sinn Féin, the tendency to throw about pejoratives rather than deal with issues and the comparatively quiet election week. Find it at Podbean . Spotify. iTunes. Pockcasts.

PoliticalOD podcast Episode 4: Party manoeuvres, fighting the last election who who knows what will happen

In the latest PoliticalOD podcast, The Dissenter and I discuss the election and how the contest will pan out in Northern Ireland. The various anti-DUP pacts and the MPs standing down. Nationally, we ask whether we'll have a Tory government that rushes through the Withdrawal Agreement or a Labour administration that means more delay. Listen above, or: Download at Podbean . Listen on Spotify . Find us on iTunes . Find us on Pocketcasts.