Two months is a long time in politics and a political lifetime for DUP leader.
Peter Robinson made his contribution to Union 2021, the News Letter's series of essays, toward the end of September. He urged unionists not to be complacent: the future of unionism is bright, but there are two significant hazards on the road ahead. The first is complacency. It derives from the belief that the constitutional question has been settled for evermore. This is claimed by some unionists but it is certainly not the view that republicans take. In Saturday's much vaunted pitch for the middle-ground, the DUP leader made a statement which sounds a lot like his own definition of complacency. The issue of the constitutional position of Northern Ireland has been settled for as far as one can see into the future. "That battle has been fought and won. Against that settled backdrop, let us focus on the people's real everyday agenda." Adding: Too often unionists are negative or defensive about Northern Ireland's status Being pedantic, I suppose it's p...